Ouch, that was painful!

Beekeeper and buzzing bees

The bees have been busy doing what bees do. We have been getting anxious about the colony after their trip.

However, we have curbed our worry until they have had 4 days. Then we will open the hive to examine the frames in the brood box.

Finally. we have opened the hive up. Bees are taking the syrup and there is plenty of honey in the outer frames and the new frames are being drawn.

The queen was alive and walking the frames. Inspecting the frames showed plenty of capped cells and on some frames capped drone cells.

Although there were many uncapped larvae we could see no eggs. However, we removed the queen excluder from the floor and replaced the brood box and the frames. Finally, we added the queen excluder and a super with frames of foundation. Then the feeder and the roof.

Because of either poor observation or lack of care, I got stung on the inside of my upper arm. The sting with the venom sack attached was in my arm when I removed my bee jacket.

Unless the bee was inside my jacket I find it strange as my jacket is double skinned, with an outside covering designed to prevent bees stinging?

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