The Tap Trap has worked well, reducing the number. of wasps in the apiary. However, it will need a recharge of bait soon.

It has been very effective and we are pleased with the trap. Presently we are using a bait composed of berry jam and water only and it appears to be working satisfactorily. Out understanding is that this is designed and manufactured in Italy and is used extensively in orchards successfully.
The Drbeekeeper DIY wasp trap initially seemed to be a non-starter. However, yesterday we saw at least 5 wasps enter in about 10 minutes and non flew out. Last evening we opened the top and the trap has been working very efficiently in preventing wasps in the apiary.
However, we have modified the trap by pushing the flaps in further which I believe has encouraged the wasps to enter the trap. Our trap only has two flaps and not four on the original design. We have used a bait made from beer and sugar to form a very weak solution.

Both of these traps used a plastic container for holding the bait. which can be used repeatedly saving the environment.
Consequently, we would recommend the use of both. The Tap Trap hanging on a branch outside the apiary and the DIY in the apiary or very close to it at ground level.
We have no idea of their effectiveness against European hornets or the Asian hornet.
As we are now into August we may find out, hopefully, we won’t. Also, a change of bait to a protein-based one will be used. As this appears to be why the Asian hornets “Hawk” outside the honeybee hives to capture the bees and take them away to their brood.