Yellow Legged Hornet or Asian Hornet

What is it? According to NonNative An invasive non-native hornet originally from Asia. The Asian hornet is a highly aggressive predator of native insects and poses a significant threat to honey bees and other pollinators. In 2004 it was accidentally introduced to France where it has spread rapidly and into neighbouring countries. Since 2016… Continue reading Yellow Legged Hornet or Asian Hornet

Opened beehive

It’s been a week since we last disturbed the bees. Although, we lit the smoker we did not smoke the bees, because we were going to use a fine spray mist of water. However, we kept the smoker close at hand. We opened the hive at 19.00 the bees were calm. The syrup was almost… Continue reading Opened beehive

Ouch, that was painful!

The bees have been busy doing what bees do. We have been getting anxious about the colony after their trip. However, we have curbed our worry until they have had 4 days. Then we will open the hive to examine the frames in the brood box. Finally. we have opened the hive up. Bees are… Continue reading Ouch, that was painful!

Bees are here

Finally, we brought our bee home last night and put them on their stand at about 10 o’clock. Next, we need to add the rapid feeder with syrup to encourage the bees to draw out the remaining brood frames. This we did early the next morning adding the feeder to the crown board and then… Continue reading Bees are here